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Lisa Hammerstrom

Broker associate

Lisa headshot

Lisa’s passion is hard work – at her ranch, being a busy mom of two, and for her real estate clients. If you’re looking for someone to work hard to help you find your perfect property, Lisa is your Realtor®.

I began my career in January 2012 while working as a rancher east of Sturgis. With my background in agriculture and a chance encounter with Suzanne Olson, I was offered a job by Dixie to obtain my real estate license. In my professional field, I take pride in finding amicable solutions and prioritizing my clients’ best interests. In my personal life, I value raising my two sons with integrity and ambition. 

Before becoming a real estate agent, I gained most of my experience driving road construction equipment, and working in an agricultural feedlot. However, my biggest professional success came recently when I sold two farms, parceling the fields individually to increase their value. Within four months, I sold $7 million worth of agricultural farmland, handling four transactions with three different parties and collaborating with three banks seamlessly.

My approach as a Farm/Ranch Realtor is to consider every transaction from the farm/ranch standpoint. I provide valuable insights to clients unfamiliar with the area, using advanced mapping tools to showcase soil types, topography, and aerial maps. With a focus on quality over quantity, I handle every aspect of the transaction process from start to finish, ensuring a comprehensive and personalized experience.

I live with my two sons, Cade (17) and Casper (14) and I enjoy taking them rodeoing on the weekends along with working on the ranch. The evenings are reserved for relaxation on the deck, accompanied by the comforting warmth of our fireplace.

With a knack for thinking outside the box, I receive compliments for my promptness and problem-solving abilities. I take on a manageable workload to ensure the best results and, when necessary, refer clients to other qualified agents in my office. My ideal client is someone who values collaboration, respects my expertise, and keeps the end goal in mind. Providing exceptional service and guiding clients through significant life decisions is what drives me in my profession.

Q & A

  1. Tell me when you started your career. I started my career in Jan. 2012
  2. Tell me why you decided on your career. Why not something else? My husband and I at that time were ranchers east of Sturgis so I had knowledge of aspects of agriculture, I had met Suzanne Olson and then Dixie offered me a job if I was interested in getting my real estate license.
  3. Tell me what accomplishments you’re most proud of. My accomplishments in life that I’m most proud of are raising my 2 sons with integrity, ambition, and a good work ethic. My accomplishments that I’m proud of in my field are finding amicable solutions to difficult problems and always doing what is best for my client, even if it creates more work on my end.
  4. List no more than 5 significant awards you’ve received in your field. 
  5. Tell me what you did before your current profession. Before I became I real estate agent I drove road construction equipment, worked for a Ag. Feedlot, and also worked in an office.
  6. Tell me what was your biggest success professionally. Why was it a big success? My biggest success professionally has been this past year. I sold 2 different farms and figured out ways to parcel the fields off individually to create a higher value for the 2 Sellers. I worked hard and sold $7 million dollars of Ag farmland in 4 months. One day in particular I had 4 different transactions with 3 different parties that had to close simultaneously, also working with 3 different banks. Everything went smoothly.
  7. Tell me where you went to college and why you chose there. I went to Western Dakota Technical Institution in Rapid City and just took and office program. I then took my real estate classes about 12 years later.
  8. List 1-3 reasons you’re different from others in your profession. The reason I feel like I’m different from other Farm/Ranch Realtors is I look at every transaction from the farm/ranch standpoint. I offer my opinion to clients that are not familiar with the area. I use an excellent mapping program to show clients different soil types, topography, and aerial maps. Because of this, I have many repeat clients that value my opinion. I also do every transaction from start to finish and take care of every aspect of it.
  9. List up to 3 things you enjoy doing on weekends. Things I enjoy doing on the weekends are taking my boys rodeoing or spending time in our arena. We have traveled all over the country roping and have some great memories. I also enjoy our ranch work, we do most of all of it on horseback. It’s hard work but enjoyable and rewarding. In the evenings one of the most relaxing things for me is sitting on the deck with our fireplace.
  10. Tell me who you live with. If children under 18, please list their ages. I live with my 2 sons, Cade (17) and Casper (14).
  11. Tell me no more than 3 significant drivers that motivated you to learn your profession. 
  12. What are you most passionate about professionally? I am most passionate about professionally is helping clients to the best of my ability. Buying and selling property are some of the biggest decisions in someone’s life, it’s rewarding to help them through the process.
  13. What would you do even if you didn’t get paid to do it? 
  14. What are you surprisingly good at? I’m surprisingly good at thinking outside the box. Whether or not it is real estate, ranch work, or raising 2 boys, there’s always a solution.
  15. What’s the biggest proof that you’re good at what you do?
  16. How long have you been working in your field? 
  17. What’s your biggest accomplishment? 
  18. How does your education connect to your professional career? What about personal experiences? 
  19. What problems do you consistently solve for your clients? 
  20. What are you complimented on most in your work? I receive a lot of compliments of getting things done right away, answering and figuring out problems. I have many repeat clients, some of the properties have been a challenge but I work them and do the best for my client.
  21. Who is your ideal client and why should they connect with you? My ideal client is someone who keeps in mind the end goal whether it is selling or buying. Considers my advice and gives me the same curtesy and respect I give to them. I do not have a transaction coordinator, or secretary, I take care of every transaction from start to finish. I focus on quality not quantity and only take on as much work as I can manage, I happy to refer a customer to another qualified agent in my office if I feel I cannot do my best job if I have enough of a work load.

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